Website & SEO
You are not your website, but it is your shop front – an opportunity to tell your story and sell your product. Therefore a poorly written website will do nothing for your credibility.
Too often, website copywriting is put in the last- minute pile, deemed an ‘anyone can do it’ job. Technically, anyone can do it. But, your website copy needs to be data-backed and supported by keyword research at the very least to maximise your online potential. Copywriting is time-consuming on top of everything else you have to do.
Why is website copywriting important?
Think about where your website sits in your sales funnel.
You may be running social ads, which are performing brilliantly as a means of attracting customers to your website. Perhaps a customer has your business card, or you have been connecting through networking, and they are following up online. They visit your website only to be let down by the lack of engagement, call-to-action, and interaction. As a result, the customer leaves with no answers or solutions and looks elsewhere.
The key here is to be consistent throughout your marketing efforts. If you are investing in your attraction tactics then carry it through. Getting the website copywriting right is a big win here to get that conversion.
What can your website do for you?
Your website is your best tool for engaging with your audience – find out their wants, needs, and behaviours with online research tactics, offers, and advice. SEO content writing throughout your website will enable customers to find you. Once they arrive, they will want to stay to get their questions answered and engage with you.
Ultimately, investing in your website copywriting can lead to an increase in brand loyalty and higher conversion rates. And we all want some of that.
Curiosity will bring your website to life with clear and engaging copy backed up by data and keyword research. Whether you are promoting one landing page, or need a website rewrite, get in touch to discuss how Curiosity can help.